kickstart this album!



You guys… I have been completely BLOWN AWAY by the support I have received for this album thus far. God has blessed me abundantly with a community of people who believe in me and in His calling on my life. So humbling. Many thanks to all who have come alongside me thusfar.

In case you haven’t heard, I am getting ready to record my first worship EP! The goal of the album is to create songs for the church to use in congregational worship. My deepest passion and I believe one of my greatest callings in this life is to help encourage and give words to help God’s people to connect deeply with His heart. To that end, I’ll be recording an album of original songs and retuned hymns this spring, which will hopefully be available this summer.

Our Kickstarter campaign is currently underway and we are just $650 away from our goal… with 12 days left! Any funds raised above and beyond this goal will be used to help make these songs more widely available to the church. If you would like to hear more about the album or contribute to the project, feel free to visit the campaign HERE.

Thank you all for your continued support and love! I am loving sharing this process with you and can’t wait to release the final product this summer.

